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Our Services

At Jireh Communications we pride ourselves on the fact that we have vast experience in many facets of I.T allowing us to deliver innovative and cost effective I.T solutions, to our partners and clients. Below you can find a preview of what we have to offer when it comes to your I.T requirements, if you don't find or see what you are looking for email us at: for further queries.[Credit goes to NivoSlider.]

Web Design & Hosting

Need a website? Look no further, we specialise in the design updating and editing of websites. We also provide hosting services for websites and email feel free to ask for a free quote..

I.T Support

Computer or Laptop acting up ? Our I.T support service technicians will be able to assist in getting those processors processing and operating systems operating, in other words we can help and assist with computer maintenance and problems.

Hardware & Software Sales

Old computer leaving you feeling frustrated and unproductive? We offer a wide range of new computers, laptops and components that will have you back up and running updating your social media status "like a boss"

Check in to see what Hardware and Software packages we have to offer.

Catalouge Coming Soon...

Voice Over Internet Protocol(VoIP)

Say what? Say who? Say cheaper calls! Voice Over Internet Protocol or VoIP as its commonly known is a communication tool that allows for cheaper call rates by moving away from the traditional phone system and using your broadband connection instead. What this means is much cheaper call rates and more flexibility in your organisation.

Our Portfolio

We offer a vast array of I.T Services and Solutions. Below are some of the projects we have undertaken in recent times, ranging from websites to network installations and VoIP system installations.

Blue Gate

Desktop & Laptop Support

IT Support

Etiam faucibus id orci et mollis. Donec at ultricies erat. Sed sodales dapibus felis vehicula tempus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam id eros ac elit blandit vestibulum sed non erat.

Womens Stone

Flash Website Design


Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam suscipit ipsum eget est commodo, quis pellentesque nisi blandit. Proin vitae felis ac est viverra faucibus vel eu nisl.

Elves Past

NComputing Thin Client

Virtual Computing

Cras et adipiscing nulla, ut pulvinar lectus. Duis facilisis vulputate sapien sed pretium. Vivamus imperdiet purus nec vestibulum venenatis. Maecenas ultricies velit eget dui viverra, vitae iaculis lorem dignissim.

Silken Wife



Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In pharetra lorem non libero eleifend varius. Ut vel augue purus. Sed auctor accumsan nulla, eget imperdiet sapien tincidunt quis.

Snow Woman

VoIP Sip Setup


Vivamus justo nisi, ornare id lobortis non, cursus in enim. Quisque semper dui vitae tempor dictum. Duis nec luctus est, eget dictum ipsum. Pellentesque ultrices posuere metus sit amet volutpat.

Mist Witches

General IT Support

I.T Support

Nulla sagittis mi ante. Mauris a nunc id sapien iaculis sodales vel a turpis. Proin a velit fermentum, rutrum enim sed, venenatis diam. Nunc commodo lorem quis sagittis luctus. Praesent faucibus fermentum eros at lacinia.

Wind of Worlds

Virtual Classroom

Virtual Computing

Sed tellus risus, mollis sit amet ultrices vel, fermentum porttitor felis. Morbi porta placerat facilisis. Ut pretium, nunc et luctus bibendum, nulla ipsum malesuada justo, sit amet adipiscing nunc nulla et magna.

About Us

Jireh Communications is a I.T Service provider aimed at providing cost effective I.T solutions for micro , small and medium enterprises. Below are the core product and services we provide.

  • Angel

    Web Design & Hosting

  • Mary

    I.T Support

  • Nancy

    I.T Sales Hardware and Software

  • Linda


  • Helen

    Virtual Computing

With almost ten years in the ITC field, we offer a wide range of products and services. We are focused on delivering cost effective solutions for start up companies to established ones. If you have any queries please submit your request via email to

Contact Us



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